
Blame it on my wife Katie’s cousin, Carlo.

In summer 2008 I was between book projects and just coming off tour. Carlo invited me to join, where he’d already been growing various branches of the Knutson tree.

My competitive juices being what they are — roiling, usually — I spent about a week diving into online census records, birth and death certificates, long-winded county histories, and the like, before burning out, all in the effort to add more family members, pictures and documents than Carlo. Mission accomplished!

Fast-forward to March 2010, and another writing trip that brought me home to Dover, OH. I thought it would be neat — if a touch macabre — to track down the final resting places of the relatives I’d spent those late nights discovering.

I spent a weekend tromping around old cemeteries, gazing at old houses and generally wanting to find out… more. Along the way, it occurred to me that maybe my family might want to learn what I’d been up to, and what I’d discovered.

This blog is my method for sharing what I’ve dug up — in a digestible way. My posts will focus heavily on stories, backed up by the tidbits I’ve retrieved in my document-diving.

I like stories… don’t you? Both sides of my family are pretty much known for them. Hopefully, this will be an outlet that spurs you to share your family stories, too.


15 thoughts on “Genesis

  1. Pingback: What are the ‘holy grails’ of Genealogy? | Whispering Across the Campfire

  2. Pingback: Postcards from Port Washington | Ley Family History | Whispering Across the Campfire

  3. Pingback: For the Record: Hattie Wiand 1922 Obit | Whispering Across the Campfire

  4. Pingback: Super Bow(ling) for Dummies: Cousin Carlo Clears up Scores | Whispering Across the Campfire

  5. John Welsh

    Hi, Colt. I am a Heavilin descendant. And we always called Henry Bricker Heavilin “Henry”!! Where did you get the nickname “Harry”?? I try to log in nicknames as well as given, and I have no record of that. He was my gr granduncle.
    Thanks, John

  6. Colt, I came across your blog site in doing family research for my Johnson, Travis, and Weible lines. I am your cousin James (Jim) Johnson. My grandma was Alice Weible Travis. I had you mom in school and later worked with her at Garaway. I would enjoy talking with you about your research. My mom is Susan Travis Johnson and her health is failing so I became the keeper of all family pictures and such. I might have some items you might be interested in for the Weibles. My email is

    • Hi Jim,

      Thanks for checking in! Absolutely, let’s connect re: pictures and other genealogy factoids. I’ll email you at the address you gave. Just burrowing through busy beginning-of-year work stuff. Hopefully, I’ll find more time to blog some of my research and discoveries this year.



  7. Natalie (Johnson) Daniels

    Hi Colt,

    Well, it looks like we are distant cousins! We probably met at a familly reunion in the past, but I haven’t been to one since before HS. I’m Floyd and Julia’s granddaughter, Natalie. When I was in HS, my dad, Nathan, would take myself and my younger siblings (Scott & Ashley) up to visit Aunt Nellie, Aunt Erma and Uncle Bill’s wife, Jeanie (sp). We’d go at least once a year in the summer and would usually try to make a second trip in the fall. In the beginning, we’d head up there with my Grandmother (Julia…aka Judy) until she passed earlier in 2000. One of my favorite memories of those trips was playing Skip Bo with your Grandma.

    It’s obvious you have put in quite a bit of work on this site. I have to say I learned quite a bit reading through the Johnson family history and just emailed the web address over to my dad to check out. Keep up the good work and if I learn any fun family facts, I will be sure to pass them along!


  8. Pingback: Another View of the Hotel Morgan « Whispering Across the Campfire

  9. Scott Hoffman

    Hi, I came across your info from If you have some time, I’d like to hear from you through email. My maternal grandmother is Alice Zeigler, daughter of Jacob Philip Zeigler and Helen Flaim. I have some information but not nearly as much as you seem to have regarding the Zeiglers.

    Take care!

  10. Carl Foutz

    Thanks, I’m looking forward to it!!

  11. Carl Foutz

    Colt it is amazing how much you and your dad look like your granfather. I haven’t seen your dad since he was probably no more than 10 years old. I am Carl Foutz ( Buzz) retired and living in Blairsville GA, about 100 miles north of Atlanta. Thank you so much for all the work you have done on tracing the family genealogy. Your great grandfather Vance didn’t like to talk much about his family whwich I’m sure didn’t help. Tell your dad I said Hi!

    • Cousin Buzz!

      Hey — great surprise on a rainy Saturday for both transplanted Midwesterners and Southerners alike. Was reading your comment just as I was checking in with my folks, who live in South Carolina now, and they were thrilled that you were following the blog. I’ve got some great old photos of your dad (my great uncle), and others in the family. A lot make it onto here, but most are on our family tree site at I’ll send some photos your way, and invite you to the tree. I was able to reach out to Joy and Wynn earlier this year, but couldn’t track you down, so I’m glad you found me.

      Take care, and stay in touch.

      Colt Foutz

  12. Kathleen Creech

    Pleased to meet you! We share the same Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother – Frederick Weible and Susanna Schrock. I have a cedar chest made by Susanna’s father Joseph. Will forward pictures if you would like. I trek to Dover every couple of years. Alot of family buried there.

    • Hi Kathleen. Nice to hear from you. You’ll find a lot of posts on the Weibles if you search the main (blogging) page. Ella Metsker Milligan’s book is a great resource. I was able to download the supplement through some resources available through most public library websites, but the actual original print run is available at only a few libraries nationwide. Been meaning to get to the Newberry Library in Chicago and take notes on some of the earlier generations.

      Take me through your line when you get a chance. Which one of Franklin Eli Weible’s brothers or sisters are you related to? Frederick and Susan are my great-great-great grandparents, FYI. I also think we know about the cedar chest you’re talking about? Did you guys get it from my Grandma Sue (Weible) Ley? My mom was talking just the other day about a chest that grandma had given to some of her relatives.

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